Site icon Little House Kindergarten

Day 62

Have someone read you this poem. Have you heard it before? Say it a few times and see if you can remember it. When you can remember a poem, it’s called memorizing a poem. Can you memorize it? What else do you have memorized?
Roses are Red
Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

and so are you!

Spell your name out loud.

Spell the word RED out loud.

Write 22 in your Red Book.

Count to 20 out loud.

Play this counting game.

This is a rose. What color is this rose?

Color to 22 with any color you want, and count out loud while you color.
Learn more about the color red. What do you see on the screen that is red?

Watch this video of roses blooming. Have you seen a flower bloom before? The video is sped up; it takes much longer for roses to bloom than 1 minute.

Practice your computer clicking skills with this game.

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