Day 19

Day 19.

Learn about the letter A in this interactive activity.

Today you will be learning about apples.  Look at this picture of some different types of apples.  What colors of apples have you eaten?


There is an apple tree activity in your Green Book to complete today.

Go over the parts of an apple.

Watch this animation on the life cycle of an apple.  How does an apple become an apple tree?

Watch this video about the letter A.

Practice writing upper case A by printing out this page. When you are done put it in your  Green Book.  (Use the handwriting work sheet maker for free worksheets.  I would suggest that you put FIVE letters with TWO spaces in between each letter to make an evenly spaced worksheet.  You can experiment with this worksheet program to fit your own preference.  Be sure to put handwriting work with the rest of the Green Book exercises for record keeping. )

Say your Alphabet.
(Have your child point to individual letters of the alphabet while reciting it. This connection needs to be concrete.)

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