Day 10

Day 10.

Practice writing the number five in your Green Book.  Circle your best one.

Watch this video about number 5.

Today we will be talking about elephants!  With an adult go through this National Geographic page about African elephants.  Read the facts, look at the pictures, listen to the audio clips, and watch the video of the baby elephant.  Describe what you learned about elephants.  What is your favorite thing about them?

Listen to the story “Henry and the Sugarbugs“.  Summarize the story.

In your Green Book there is a color graphing activity.  Follow the directions carefully.

One thought on “Day 10

  1. The video link for 5 is not working. We were able to find a couple other videos for the number 5 on the website but I thought I would let you know. 🙂

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